On Mod the Sims, Moxiemason posted the No Mosaic/Censor Mod for The Sims 4 from a Web site which allows removal of the mosaic effect when Sims perform certain actions such as peeing or taking a shower. - Readers should not judge the importance of topics based on their coverage on Wiki How, nor think a topic is important just because it is the subject of a Wiki article. for those who prefer to see their Sims without censors when doing certain actions.If you need specific advice (for example, medical, legal, financial or risk management), please seek a professional who is licensed or knowledgeable in that area. 1 13th Oct 2017 at 9:25 AM Default Underwear Removal Im wondering if theres a mod that will allow me to take off the default underwear. - Please note: Wiki How does not give you opinion about the law, or advice about medical.- Some articles may contain names, images, artworks or descriptions of events that some cultures restrict access to.- A few of these subjects are frequently censored by educational, governmental, corporate, parental and other filtering schemes.Wiki How does not encourage the violation of any laws, and cannot be responsible for any violations of such laws, should you link to this domain, or use, reproduce, or republish the information contained herein. You will have to find a mod that can make naked Sims (please keep in mind that EA does not support custom content or mods). I don't think being able to see a fully nude Sim was built into the game. SomeRandomSimlily, Lauren281119, BigBry and like this. Discussing anything that raises the rating to M is not allowed to be discussed what so ever.

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License additional terms may apply. No more mosaic censor This mod removes the mosaic / censor grid that appears over your Sim when they Shower.

⚠️ Disclaimer: Content from Wiki How English language website. No Mosaic / Censor Mod for The Sims 4 is a mod for The Sims 4, created by moxiemason.